Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Hollywood Here I Come!
On's GAME ON! Checking out the baseball game between the LA Dodgers and Atlanta Braves at Dodgers Stadium. Josh's Father's Day present from Cailyn. The Dodgers (ugh) are Josh's team...I will, of course, be cheering on my "local" team...GO BRAVES!!!! No worries, still a devoted Red Sox fan, but gotta show my love!
Back home late Monday night and off to work in my classroom with the help of my stepmom on Tuesday! Ahh, I guess all good things must come to an end!
I will definitely be updating with pics and any breaking news of the stars (LOL) when I get back!
SIDE NOTE: Way to go, Bill! Bill Clinton, that is! Never thought that would ever be something to cross my mind, but how cool is it that he made the trip to Korea?!? Watching now the plane just landed with the 2 American journalists who were pardoned by the N. Korean govt. yesterday. How wonderful that these young women will be reunited with their families today!
That's all for now...I'll catch ya on the flipside!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
August?!? Already?!?
August is gonna be quite a month...
* Cailyn turned 7 months old (OMG) on the 1st!
* first trip on an airplane for Cailyn...that ought to be fun!
* Cailyn starts daycare...ugh! and our checkbook literally enters an entirely new dimension of RED!!
* I go back to work for the first time in almost 2 years!
* gotta set a bedtime and learn how to wake up to a real alarm clock instead of a baby cooing or screaming!
* gonna have to learn a brand new family routine! (double ugh!)
No more flying by the seat of my pants...I'm really going to have to revamp some things! Good times, I guess! Such is life!
Change is never easy, but I know we'll make it through. Of course, I completely expect some bumps along the way and we'll just deal with 'em as they come our way.
On an entirely different not, there have been some completely random observations that have come to fruition for me this weekend...
First...some neighbors just SUCK! We live on a great street with great people, but there are a select few (okay just one, really) that have just blown my mind lately.
Second...I think I really loathe cats. I have 2 and have had them for about 3 or 4 years now. I rescued them from a shelter and have admittedly tolerated them. I've never really been a cat person, so I really don't know what I was thinking when I brought them home. What's different now? Maybe I have started to feel bad for them. I never pet them, I never love on them, I'm always bitching about cat hair, cat throw-up (some call them hairballs, but let's just call it for what it really is...PUKE!) and how they get under my feet whenever I walk. And I know if I gave 'em some attention they'd leave me be, but I really have no desire. Bottom line...I'm afraid they will have to go soon...anyone want some free cats??
Next, I read in a post by a fellow blogger that Billy Mayes' commercials were already being shown again, but with a woman's voice-over. Never paid attention...that is, until today. The Oxi-clean commericials are just NOT the same!
Finally, I LOVE The Food Network. Watchin' The Next Food Network Star as we speak...however, I just saw a commercial for a new show called What Would Brian Boitano Make?...really, Brian Boitano? Wasn't he a figure skater or something? I'm thinking that show will not be on my list of must-see programs this Fall!
As a side note...I think I may be a little exclamation point and ellipsis (...) happy. I just counted 19 exclamation points in this post alone and, well, you can see each of my ellipsi (sp?). I must just be a very emotional writer, huh?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
I'm such a nerd!
In my last post I mentioned that I had been reading the Twilight saga by Stephanie Meyer. I'm on the last book (Breaking Dawn) and I have become absolutely ADDICTED! My BFF, Kristi, started reading the books, too, and bought a Team Edward t-shirt at Walmart a few months back. I wasn't about to go that far...but...I saw the movie (admittedly not the best) for the first time last week and decided I just couldn't be left out. And, of course, I gotta keep up with my bestie!
So, thanks to, I am now the proud owner of my very own Team Edward t-shirt. I will be perfectly outfitted for opening night of New Moon on November 20th. YES! Kristi and I have saved the date and for someone who doesn't know what she's gonna do next week, let alone 3+ months from now, I'd say we're golden! So excited! (I warned ya I was a nerd!)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
We've had so much happening this month! Summer is flying by and especially so for me now that I have been offered (and accepted, of course) a J-O-B!!! I will be teaching 5th grade starting this fall! The first day back for new teachers is August 24th and school will officially begin after Labor Day, on September 8th. I am so excited, but nervous. Not only will this be my first year teaching and that alone will have enough stresses of its own, but Miss Cailyn will be starting daycare for the first time...YIKES! We have her registered at Primrose School, a new preschool in the area. I cannot believe how expensive it is...$265/week!! I may, however, have an in-home daycare option with a lady right around the corner from our house. She has been licensed for 15+ years and is MUCH cheaper. I may be checking it out soon...especially since we want Cailyn to start the week before I go back to work, so we can ease our way into it!
Speaking of Cailyn, she's still growing up at lightening speed! She hasn't really started crawling yet, but has mastered the army crawl with her arms and knees. It is so funny watching her scoot across the floor and she is quite quick! She also now pulls herself up to standing and she is getting better everyday! She is eating well and we have started giving her a wider range of soft finger foods like bananas. She also likes to "play" more. We are so blessed to have such a happy, easy-going baby!
My garden has produced a TON of tomatoes. To date I have frozen 18 cups and my freezer is overflowing...we should be set for winter. Not to mention I have many more 'maters still needing to be harvested! Didn't have much luck with my green beans or peppers, but we're still working on it!
I have finished Book 3 in the Twilight saga...Eclipse. I cannot believe how engrossed I have become in this love story. It has been SO, so long since I have found a collection of books that I have truly enjoyed reading and I keep wanting more! Too long! I am very sad that it's almost over and I really cannot wait for the movies...sigh! Twilight, the movie, was not that great...but, I am optimistic for New Moon. My bestie and next door neighbor, Kristi, and I have already made a "date" for November 20th...we'll be there proudly donning our Team Edward t-shirts (yes, we have t-shirts...well, I'm waiting for mine I ordered it last night...I can just see hubby rolling is eyes in disgust!!)...probably being the oldest folks there...but, we cannot wait!
On an even more positive note, Kristi's hubby (and Josh's BFF) comes home on Thursday from being on deployment aboard the USS Eisenhower for the past 6 months. Everyone in our neighborhood is so excited to be welcoming him home and I know Josh can't wait to join him in their garage for the first Welcome Home coldie from the keg-a-rator (sp?)!
Well, that's enough news for now! I will leave you (or try) with a video of Cailyn that I shot this week. She thinks its funny to play the copycat game while she's sitting in her highchair...too funny!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
So little time...
(6) CRAWLING...or, rather, scooting really well (she "crawls" sometimes)
(7) 1st trip to the zoo (pics posted soon!)
Gosh, I feel like I'm missing something, but I'll update if I've forgotten! We've also had family visiting the past two weeks. My sis brought my nephews for their annual summer beach trip...Cailyn LOVES her cousins and they loved playing together. Cole and Chase LOVE Cailyn, too, and they really enjoy spending time with her. Cole takes such good care of her and making sure she has what she needs! My parents and little brother visited the following week. OK, I guess my brother is not so little anymore...he turns 16 on July 4th! We took Cailyn to the zoo for the first time and I think she really liked it!
Our garden is doing really well and we've already gotten a few tomaters, squash, green beans, and I have a few cukes almost ready! I've had 2 job interviews so went well, the other? Not so well, but I have another today and I'm keeping my fingers crossed! So, I guess you could say we're living large and really enjoying our summertime together as a family. That's enough jibber jabber from me. For now, I'll just leave you with some recent pics (above) with a promise of more to come!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Just us girls!
Oh, yes...and she has learned how to blow know, a way to have fun with your drool. She decided to start trying them out yesterday while we were visiting a friend of mine and her 2 month old son, Carter. He is such a flirt, by the way! He just smiled and smiled at's starting already! I tried taking a video of her blowing raspberries this morning...I got the video, but Blogger is taking forever to upload it, so I'm gonna have to try later! Bummer! Oh well!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Happy Hour at Home with TS products!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
My First Mother's Day!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Tastefully Simple to be featured on Rachael Ray!!!
Thanks for reading and don't forget to watch Rachael Ray on Friday!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Gotta make that moolah!
For those of you not familiar with TS, it is a company based out of Minnesota that sells gourmet food products like breads, desserts, spices, sauces, meal kits, etc. All of our products are SUPER easy and only require 1 or 2 ingredients to make or are open and enjoy. The idea behind our products is to give folks the chance to enjoy delicious gourmet meals without all of the time and hassle this would normally take. We do taste-testing parties in hostesses homes in order for customers to be able to sample each of our much fun! Plus, the majority of our products are under $10! What a deal!
I absolutely LOVE these products and wouldn't have remained a consultant for so long if I didn't. I personally use them in my own kitchen and highly encourage all of ya'll to check it out. Click on the TS link above and it will take you right to my website. You can shop from there 24/7!
And if you are looking to make a bit more moolah, you can also sign up to be a consultant on my team. You don't need to live near me to be on my team...I can train over the phone and even hook you up with a team meeting in your area! Being a consultant is really fun and easy...and you earn up to 36% commission on your sales! The hostesses prepare the majority of samples for the parties and all orders are shipped directly to the customers! TS is always offering training, holding sales promotions, and offering incentives when you are a consultant or hostess!
You also don't need to live near me to host a party. You can have an online catalog party where your guests shop online and you will still receive your 10% of your retail sales totals FREE! Or, I can send you a hostess party food kit and you can do a mini-sampling party with a small group of your friends or at work and gather sales that way!
Okay, so I'll quit my begging now! Please take a moment to check out my site and learn more about my company. You can email me at with any questions or if you'd like to talk further about becoming a consultant! Keep following my blog as I am going to start posting all future monthly promotions and incentives from TS!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
4 months old!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Rolling Over
So I'm trying to post my very first video of Cailyn. It was taken about 2 weeks ago on 4/17/09...the day she rolled over from her back to her tummy for the first time. She'd already mastered rolling from tummy to back days can tell she's not quite sure what to think when she went the other way!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Man, what a weekend!
She also was able to wear the summer outfit her Aunt Emy bought her for Easter...complete with the little hat...she was TOO cute! This is how I found her when we got out of the car at my sister's house...her hat was all off to the side and it looked as if she'd had enough already!
We enjoyed a leisurely late morning/early afternoon on my sis' back porch in the shade...Cailyn really loves being outside!We had Thai dinner plans...YUMMO...with Cailyn's Omi for Saturday night, but they fell through. Both me and Omi were out of commission with tummy aches...well, actually, mine was a bit more than an upset tummy...more like a really sick headache...YUCK!!! I'd always wondered what I would do if I were sick and had a baby to take care of. Not to worry, niece, Morgan, came to our rescue. She agreed to spend the night and help take care of Cailyn while we were both down and out...and what a FANTASTIC job she did! She played with her, fed her, took her for a walk, and even helped get her ready for bed. Thank goodness Cailyn was cooperative and went to bed without any trouble at all; and, she slept through 'til morning!
So, Cailyn made a new buddy in Morgan...LOVES her! Thanks for helping us out, Morgan. YOU ROCK SISTA!!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Ream Look-alike Meter

The much debated question has FINALLY been answered! I tried this with 2 different sets of pictures and Cailyn looked more like me by 4% and 3% respectively. Not a whole lot, which may be why people have such a hard time trying to figure out who she looks like more. Let's just say she's a well-balanced combination of the two of us...and we'll leave it at that.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
A visit to the Easter Bunny!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Exersaucers, Bumbos, BabyLegs, and a Smile!
...I finally caught a really cute smile! TOO SWEET!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I've got some catching up to do!
So what's Cailyn doing now?? She smiles ALL of the cute! We love it, but she is definitely NOT photogenic...we can barely catch a smile on camera...but, we are working on it! She is also grabbing for things and has found her hands...she is mesmerized by them! She will stare at 'em in amazement at what they can do. She's learned that she can grab at things, hold them, and make her toys make noises. As of yesterday she is also trying to roll over...YES, roll over! She all of sudden started tilting her head back and arching her back trying to gain the momentum to turn...she's not there yet, but she's workin' on it! Oh yes, and she likes to sing along to the "Old MacDonald" tune that plays on her bouncy seat. She sounds more like an owl hooting, but you can tell she is singing along!
We will be starting our garden this weekend. Weather is supposed to be BEAUTIFUL! Mid-60's and sunny! We will be attempting raised beds this year in hopes that the garden will do much better this year than last. I will be growing some fresh herbs like oregano, thyme, and cilantro; and veggies like tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, peppers, green beans, and watermelon! I cannot wait! Although, I think I'll have to learn how to can in order to make them last us throughout the year.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Weekend Happenings
We did manage to get out today, despite the rain, and buy an A-frame bookcase for Miss Cailyn's nursery...she has already collected so many books we needed place to start putting them! Here are a few pics:
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Just for Omi!
An early dose of Summer!
I tried out Cailyn's new sunhat, which was about 2 sizes too big (even at 0-6 months)...but, she looked cute anyway! Plus, she thinks it's funny when I put sunscreen on her face...too precious!
That's my girl!