Well, Josh has been gone since early Friday morning on a boat...out in the middle of the sea...with absolutely no way for us to contact him and no way for him to communicate with us. So, it's just been us girls all week long and we have had a blast! Don't get me wrong, we miss him and all, but we've just had a good time hangin' out and having girl time!
We spent Saturday shopping and Cailyn was an absolute angel! I was even able to try on a few things b/c she slept for about 30 minutes and didn't fuss a bit! That's the first time I've been brave enough to try REALLY shopping while she's with me. Then, we had lunch at Panera Bread where a nice older couple asked how old she was..."is she 9 or 1o months old?" HUH? Um, no...she's 4-1/2 months old! Is my child really a giant? I think not! She's very well proportioned, thank you very much!
Sunday was a washout...pouring down rain and cold all day...we went no where and stayed in our jammies all day long. We did try the sippy cup for the first time (well, Cailyn did, I didn't...LOL), just to see what she thought. She got the hang of it pretty quick (except tilting her head or the cup back). I think she was more intrigued by it more than anything. See pics below!
Oh, yes...and she has learned how to blow raspberries...you know, a way to have fun with your drool. She decided to start trying them out yesterday while we were visiting a friend of mine and her 2 month old son, Carter. He is such a flirt, by the way! He just smiled and smiled at Cailyn...uh-oh...it's starting already! I tried taking a video of her blowing raspberries this morning...I got the video, but Blogger is taking forever to upload it, so I'm gonna have to try later! Bummer! Oh well!
those sippy cup pics r too funny! can't wait 2 see the raspberry video (tip - blogger sucks 4 uploading vids! try using youtube or vimeo & embedding the code in ur posts - much faster!)