So much going on! I've managed to find the time to change my blog layout, but haven't taken the time to update it...until now!
We've had so much happening this month! Summer is flying by and especially so for me now that I have been offered (and accepted, of course) a J-O-B!!! I will be teaching 5th grade starting this fall! The first day back for new teachers is August 24th and school will officially begin after Labor Day, on September 8th. I am so excited, but nervous. Not only will this be my first year teaching and that alone will have enough stresses of its own, but Miss Cailyn will be starting daycare for the first time...YIKES! We have her registered at Primrose School, a new preschool in the area. I cannot believe how expensive it is...$265/week!! I may, however, have an in-home daycare option with a lady right around the corner from our house. She has been licensed for 15+ years and is MUCH cheaper. I may be checking it out soon...especially since we want Cailyn to start the week before I go back to work, so we can ease our way into it!
Speaking of Cailyn, she's still growing up at lightening speed! She hasn't really started crawling yet, but has mastered the army crawl with her arms and knees. It is so funny watching her scoot across the floor and she is quite quick! She also now pulls herself up to standing and she is getting better everyday! She is eating well and we have started giving her a wider range of soft finger foods like bananas. She also likes to "play" more. We are so blessed to have such a happy, easy-going baby!
My garden has produced a TON of tomatoes. To date I have frozen 18 cups and my freezer is overflowing...we should be set for winter. Not to mention I have many more 'maters still needing to be harvested! Didn't have much luck with my green beans or peppers, but we're still working on it!
I have finished Book 3 in the Twilight saga...Eclipse. I cannot believe how engrossed I have become in this love story. It has been SO, so long since I have found a collection of books that I have truly enjoyed reading and I keep wanting more! Too long! I am very sad that it's almost over and I really cannot wait for the movies...sigh! Twilight, the movie, was not that great...but, I am optimistic for New Moon. My bestie and next door neighbor, Kristi, and I have already made a "date" for November 20th...we'll be there proudly donning our Team Edward t-shirts (yes, we have t-shirts...well, I'm waiting for mine I ordered it last night...I can just see hubby rolling is eyes in disgust!!)...probably being the oldest folks there...but, we cannot wait!
On an even more positive note, Kristi's hubby (and Josh's BFF) comes home on Thursday from being on deployment aboard the USS Eisenhower for the past 6 months. Everyone in our neighborhood is so excited to be welcoming him home and I know Josh can't wait to join him in their garage for the first Welcome Home coldie from the keg-a-rator (sp?)!
Well, that's enough news for now! I will leave you (or try) with a video of Cailyn that I shot this week. She thinks its funny to play the copycat game while she's sitting in her highchair...too funny!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
so good 2 see an update from u! glad everything is going so well - congrats on the job!!! would love 2 check out the video, but u have it set 2 private...u can either share it publicly, or maybe send us invites 2 view it (by request)? ;0)
ReplyDeleteAhh, crap! I'm gonna go change the setting on the video now...thanks for the heads up! I'm just thankful it actually showed up in the post!
ReplyDeleteAlrighty...the video is now available to be viewed by all!