Why is it that as soon as you think you have your child on a "schedule" they like to switch things up on you? It's almost like as soon as I even think it in my head that things can't get any better...Cailyn's eating and sleeping around the same times each day...and it's a schedule I can live with she changes it up? I know she is just dying with laughter on the inside :) .
She was thrown off all day today...starting at 1:30 this a.m.!!! Then, up again at 6:15am. Normally wouldn't be too bad, except she didn't go back to sleep until 3am. Up until this point, she really has spoiled me sleeping 5 to 7-1/2 hour stretches. But no way buddy, not last night...or the night before...or the night before that...and today...no morning nap, she decides, today..."ha, ha Mom!" Finally, she decides to fall asleep around 10:30a; but, we're meeting a friend of mine for lunch today and had to leave an hour later.
Now my child, who normally can only stay awake and happy for an hour at a time on any other day, refuses to stay asleep for longer than 20 minutes at a time today; finally falling asleep at 4:30pm! What?? 4:30?? By 6:30 I break the cardinal rule...never wake a sleeping baby. She sleeps through an entire bottle and half of her bath!!! I was terrified she was going to stay asleep and then wake up at like 10/11pm wide awake and ready to play...especially since I'm exhausted! Yet I'm sitting here now typing this because I can't fall asleep! Luckily, Josh comes home tomorrow!!!!! A night off for me awaits...
On a more positive note...by Darling Daughter turned 9 weeks old today and in that small amount of time I cannot picture our lives without her! She is changing and learning something new everyday...she actually smiles like she is happy to see us, she no longer pees in the midst of getting her diaper changed (at least for me she doesn't!), she loves to play the "stick out your tongue" game, and she is starting to tolerate riding in the car without having a total meltdown! We are blessed!
Plus, one of my bestest friends, Emily, is having her baby tomorrow via scheduled c-section...we cannot wait to meet one of Cailyn first friends!
Yep, life is good! Even as I'm sleep deprived and wide awake...I wouldn't change it for the world!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
isn't it crazy how almost immediately after they enter ur life, u can't remember what ur life was like b4 them?! i'm hoping miss cailyn gets back on her schedule 4 u soon! u guys have a great weekend!!!