I woke up this morning with a SERIOUS migraine headache and no meds! Holy cow...
Now, I've woken up with headaches before. Some have been sinus related, sleep related, hangover related, and even migraine-related; but, nothing like this. I could barely move a foot before feeling immediately nauseated! Cailyn woke up bright and early at 6:15 asking to watch a movie. For the first time, I didn't object to her going right to the TV as soon as she rolled out of bed. I didn't even think twice about calling out at work. I loathe calling in for a substitute teacher because I have to make separate plans that are rarely even followed. I expect my kiddos at school to still be productive and move right along when I'm not there and I can't stand it when that doesn't happen...double the work for me! Needless to say, when I'm not feeling well, I'm usually talking myself into going to work and sucking it up AND I do end up feeling alright. This morning? Not so much. I called out and mustered up the energy to get Bug to school because I also needed to get to Walmart for some relief. Thank goodness my child went to school willingly and without incident. And I managed to make it out of the Walmart parking lot without puking...barely, but I made it!
3-1/2 hour nap later and Voila!, I was much, much better! Thank you Advil Migraine! I think I have found my miracle drug!! I even made it to the gym this afternoon with a friend and got in a great hour long workout before heading over to pick up Cailyn at school. I love it when a day turns out completely different (for the better) than it began!
Now, I guess, I'll be back at it tomorrow and crossing my fingers that the substitute kept order and progress happening in my classroom today. Josh comes home tonight and we get to spend the weekend building Cailyn's new mack daddy swingset and celebrating Josh's 33rd birthday with a BBQ with good neighbors and friends on Saturday! I cannot wait!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago