So, I was cruising Facebook today and came across the recent blogpost of a friend. I checked it out and got curious about my own bloggerness...or lack thereof! I amazingly remembered my login and took a gander. And, holy cow!! Has it really been over a year since my last blog post?!? I couldn't believe it! I was shocked and embarrassed. I had vowed to keep it current, kind of a way to document even the most mundane of life's happenings. EPIC FAILURE!
With that said, I am re-vowing my commitment to become a regular blogger. I was severely distracted by all of the gadgets, etc. that had taken over my I've cleared, deleted, dusted off the cobwebs, and ready to post away! If there's anyone out there who cares...I'm back!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago